Wednesday, February 29, 2012

so good to be home

We just got back from Ocala. A short visit to the old house. It was cold, dark and raining. Its so good to be home. We did see something really cool on the interstate...

I don't know where the big dog was going, But he was going in style.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


 Last night in paradise was all about jam. Our neighbors gave us a flat of Plant City strawberries. Which we turned into 16 jars or wonderful Key Lime Strawberry jam. Our daughter Jen got me into jam about two summers ago. After I made the first jar of peach pie jam, I knew there would be no more smuckers for us. I will be adding today's jam to my stash of orange marmalade .
 Now I need to learn how to make fresh bread!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be a do-er or its summer

Just got back from kayaking around the bay, and I'm thinking about a new life rule. The first life rule I ever had was in my twenties. It was choose to be happy. It really worked! Now its time for another. So, rule (2) Be a do-er. I know bad spelling , however it says it all. It is so easy to sit around and think of things to do "someday" and someday never comes. Just be a do-er!!!!

Went swimming in the canal today (mark the date Feb. 19th) So it must be the beginning of summer. 
I love summer

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Boat Show

 Yesterday was our annual trip to the Miami Boat Show. We looked at so many boats that they all began to meld into a memory of a jumbled mass of shiny gelcoat.

The show is held at the Miami convention center on South Beach. Already planning another trip to  explore the area. 

Top of Al's wish list

My wish list. Inflatable paddle board. Rolls up into that bag. I'm sure I would be using it every morning!!
Bleary eyed on the way home --- 18 hour day

Sunday, February 12, 2012

 Today is big, its my Birthday and I am 55. My age is not a big deal to me, because I just don't think about it. However I do like my Birthdays. Al does all kinds of nice things for me. He's cooking chili for dinner and I am going to try out my tortilla press to make fresh flour tortillas. Al also took me  to Louis's Backyard for brunch. My favorite upscale restaurant in Key West.
One day I will show you some  less than upscale dinning spots we like. 


After lunch we walked over to The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. It was wonderful.

Its a glass conservatory, three stories tall, filled with butterflies, flowering plants and birds. 

This is a Blue Morpheus Butterfly. We spent quite some time trying to get this picture. When the wings are closed he is just plain brown.

My sweet husband

Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Blog

I have been thinking about a blog for sometime. So.. I have done it. It was easy!!
Tomorrow I will try to have New Photos and something interesting to BLOG about