Saturday, October 18, 2014

nice bird

I took this today with my cannon power shot SX 230HS. He was on top of a mangrove tree, I was in my kayak . 
Great White Heron 

Friday, October 3, 2014

100th post, and a glorious morning on the water

This is my 100th post! Who would have thought I would stick with this so long? I was thinking about one of the first, about being a do'er, I think that I'm doing well at that. I'm 50-something and I can ride my bike 10 miles in an hour, paddle the Bay without much trouble, and I'm pretty good at catching lobster. So I;m happy. Though I would like to lose 25lbs, that would make me happier! Maybe it will be true on my 200th post.
Beautiful morning on the bay - enjoy, I did.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

bike ride

Photos from my morning ride on the Florida Keys bike trail. This section is on Cudjoe Key.

As you can see iguanas can climb, they can also swim and dive!

view from trail

salt marsh

young mangrove

Bow chanel bridge, I turn around here and head back home.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Night Blooming Cereus

mini season 2014

Its another lobster season
and I guess I was asleep ,( photo wise)  because these are my best.

Here is Al and a bad shot of Charlie, sorry Meg I missed you all together.

Bill.   Elkie was right next to him however not in any of the photos
1st day of regular season started out as one of the most beautiful days ever! The water was like a mirror, crystal clear jut beautiful.  Then it rained.

Everyone raced for home

Jennifer always takes a nice photo

Al and I . I'll just say the lobsters look good.
A nice father daughter photo!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Its hot outside

 Its hot outside, what better time to stay inside and make jam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Strawberry fig

Monday, June 30, 2014

wildflowers on Summerland Key bike trail

These are not the best photos, but in my defence I was fighting off deer flies . When they are around its best not to stand still too long.
These plants were all on the Summerland Key section of the Keys bike trail
Saltmarsh False Foxglove Agalinis maritima

Seaside Gentian Eustoma exaltatum

Sea Oxeye
I think this is Sea Oxeye , but the leaf shape does not match the description in my guide.

Salt Marsh Fleabane Pluchea odorata

I use Florida Keys wildflowers - By Rodger L Hammer 
A field guide to wildflowers, trees, and woody vines of the Florida Keys.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk

Lynn and I on the Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
Its about a one hour excursion, well worth the time. 
Bring BUG SPRAY!!!!
We saw birds, squirrels, some snakes and a BEAR!!!
Don't worry about the snakes the were not on the boardwalk the bear was.
We just backed backup and the Bear went on its way

Monday, April 14, 2014

Some new birds

Beach at Bahia Honda State Park

Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone


Simipalmater Plover

Simipalmated plover

Gray Nickernut often found on beaches - "sea bean"
As always bird ID's my best guess using field guides