Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fantasy fest

I wasn't going to post about "Fantasy Fest" ..Period.!! But, Oh well its a spectacle, its Key West. It was hard to resist  photographing the more risque people . There were naked people, painted naked people, and a whole lot of people who should not be naked .

So here it is......

These two guys were Gladiators and were taller than anyone on the street

"It sounded like a good idea "

Fat man in a toto

This guy came as a road worker

Body paint

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Breakfast at dawn

Today I took out the pathfinder (22' bay boat) for the first time by myself. 
Breakfast and coffee on the water.


I just cannot resist pictures or this place, its just so beautiful

                                                          another day in paradise!

keys garden

I planted my winter garden last week. All I needed was 10 kitty litter buckets, two large bags of potting soil, some pvc and 5 solo cups. In 50 or 60 days I should be enjoying fresh tomatos, peppers and eggplant.

My three tomato plants
my kitty litter bucket garden

inside of top bucket

Two bucket self watering system

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Al and I went on a  nice trip out of town last weekend to Georgia With Ron and Nancy. The weather was beautiful, in the 50's at night. The smell of pine trees was just wonderful. I love the keys, but a change is nice sometime.
Did I say we got to fly


Al and Ron the pilot

Ron and Nancy

Down that hill is a creek-river

Farm on the way back to the keys

Sugar cane