Monday, May 28, 2012

Pi day

  Key limes are yummy, and I have a pile of them. Yesterday I turned 6 of them into a lovely pie. Speaking of pie, did you know there is an international Pi (3.14) day? It is celebrated on march 14th. I'm marking my calender to celebrate PI day every year.
  My recipe came from . The poor woman makes key lime pie with Persian limes. Not everyone can live where the key limes grow. Good pie good day.

Key lime water

Katie girl, How did she get here?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fish tails

 I did something new yesterday. Went offshore fishing with friends. My fear of seasickness has always kept me home, while Al and friends went out. Yesterday appeared calm from shore, so I applied my seasick patch and went. It wasn't calm, but my patch worked. Yea!!!

25 lbs

Nancy with her 12 lbs fish

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

new found cash

Its Christmas in may. I was cleaning books today and found $100.00. It was in a card from Verna and JD, a Christmas present from 5 years ago. Apparently I don't clean my books often.
Tomorrow I will shop etsy for vintage pottery. Fun Fun Fun.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Toby and Kerry

Sunday was my nephew Toby's wedding to Kerry. We drove up to Sarasota in the morning.
Managed a nice lunch at Columbia's on Lido key. I had the best coconut fish. My new mission is to copy that meal.
 The wedding was beautiful. It was at Selby gardens on Sarasota bay. Beautiful couple we wish them a happy life!

Me admiring a pachapodium

Mother of the groom and my sweet sister

Mr and Mrs and Roxie


Al and I went fishing - catching on Friday. 13 Dolphin (mahi mahi) one tuna and a Wahoo!
We went all the way out to the wall, about 25 miles off shore in 2500 ft of water. the mahi were under weed lines or floating debris like logs. Tuna are spotted by birds eating the bate fish the tuna push up. The wahoo was under a large school of mahi that we found by following a frigate bird.

The wahoo

A weed line

frigate bird
Just a ship that passed by

Katie loves tuna

Thursday, May 17, 2012

key wet

Today we thought we would go to Key West  do a little shopping and the library , a nice walk. I'll let my pictures finish this story

this is not water you want to walk in!

to get out of the rain we stopped at the gecko our fave

bud time

Thursday, May 10, 2012

doing the important things

 Yesterday we got out priorities right! We went fishing - not catching I am sorry to say. I had dreams of Wahoo on the grill. Oh well, It was just nice to be on the water again. Seas were 1 to 2, and the temperature was warm but not hot.

12 miles off shore @650 feet depth in gulf stream

deep blue gulf stream water

American shoal
 1 or 2 miles off shore 20 ft deep

Sunday, May 6, 2012

snapper slayer

Our friend Nancy got her new boat in the water this weekend. She and Lonnie Kay loaded it  with mangrove snapper. They had a great time and best of all they did it all by themselves.

Lonnie Kay cleaning the new boat

Nancy cleaning the catch

hoping for some fish

full moon last night

Saturday, May 5, 2012


This was a BIG week for Jennifer , she is done, complete, finished, at the end, graduated!!!!
We are so happy for her. I would like to have some profound words of advice for her. Words she could ponder and put on facebook to share with the world. Here is my best - be happy and find small things everyday that make you smile to yourself. Maybe just something silly that you find amusing. That way when you get old you will have happy wrinkles.  Love mom.

Also -- she graduated with all kinds of honers like #1 she's the smartest one of all