Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ready to start

Total and complete disarray, that sums up our house. We still have to finish moving the furniture downstairs, and clean up all the dust.  Lots of work still to do. 

the back ground of this pic is our tile. The paint and counter top samples are still just possible choices.

I don't know how Tommy's pic got here!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

happy birthday Mom

 Thinking of Mom today. I am glad I can share this.

Love you Mom

Monday, March 12, 2012

March wwwwindy weather

The wind this month is relentless. The seas have been running 4' to 6' most days. No possibility of me getting on the water. Though I do believe that on the seasickness scale I have gotten better. To fill our time here is what we have been doing.

tile gone!!
cabinets chopped
All this work has made the cats very tired

Sunday, March 4, 2012

bothersome life rule

This new life rule I adopted is interfering with my "morning sitting around wasting time on my computer time". So, I went for a walk.
New shoes
My pineapple


Friday, March 2, 2012


Here is an update on our home remodel project. Sometimes there is work to do in paradise.

stone crab

Yesterday it was time to go out and pull our stone crab traps. This season has been the best crab season ever (of our 3 years). We have caught more than we can eat so, friends and family are getting crabby gifts.

Our friend Bill went along. Gave me a chance to take pics.                                                 

One of the really big ones!

We cranked up the big crab pot and had a feast.