Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bahia Honda Park 4 months after Irma

Morning, I heard Bahia Honda Park was open, so went to see what was left - well not much! I have enjoyed many trips to the park, its small but was filled with so much beauty. Here are a couple of photos from "Before".

None of that is there now.
All access to the ocean side of the park is closed. The ranger told me it could be closed for a year.
So, if you pay your $4.50 per person entrance fee, you will only have access to the old bridge over look and a small beach with picnic area. If you have children who want to play in the water, its shallow and usually calm or just want to bake in the sun, then its worth the visit.

I took these photos this morning (1/11/18)
The Beach

The bridge overlook from the ground

Path up to overlook

Ocean side

beach area from bridge

MY advice to tourist-- the keys are damaged and not pretty right now. There is trash on the roads, in the mangrove and in the ocean. If you want to go to Key West go, its still the same , Enjoy yourself

Monday, December 25, 2017

Saturday, July 29, 2017

beach day

We had planed a dingy trip around part of the Island today, but the wind was too much for out little dingy. So we went to the beach.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


WE left Miami yesterday morning and arriver in Bimini around noon. Here are a few photos.

leaving Miami

Bimini's blue water

Browns marina , our spot for two days

Snow Bush 
                   I have never seen a Snow Bush (zone 10 &11) so pretty, much less blooming
Little house on the point, with morning sun.
                                                     I think this will be my next painting.