Saturday, February 15, 2014


This locusberry has been in my garden for about one year. 
Not to toot my own horn, but this is how photos used in ID books should look.


Locustberry   Byrsonima lucida
small shrub or tree, flowers change from pink to red as they age
South Florida and West Indies

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My First day with new camera

Al and I went exploring side roads and tied out the camera.Still on auto. I find that it is harder than my little camera to get a good shot!! Also need to have the long lens very handy ---- and on a tripod. Well here they are

Best guess Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii

 Bahama Senna Senna mexicana var. chapmanni
S. Florida , Bahamas and Cuba 

Hard to tell,  but I think this is a young Yellow Crowned Night Heron

I see a painting here. these are old apartments on Marathon, ocean front, now part of a private estate.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Beautiful day

Today was a beautiful day at Bahia Honda Park. Al and I took the day off to enjoy it. 
I got a few good pics of a Ring Billed Gull and ( my best guess they all look alike) a
Least Sandpiper.

Least Sandpiper

Ring Billed Gull   Larus delawarensis

Coastal Skyrocket Cakile lanceolata
Coastal sands of Florida and tropical america

Sea Lavender Argusia ganaphalodes